Past & Present Industry Work
Driving YOUR Eureka! How to Find, Filter & Fast Track BIG IDEAS for your Career, Company, or Community
Maggie will ignite you to think faster, smarter and more innovatively. She will back up her energy with hard data and practical tips from her 20 years of experience inventing and testing over 25,000 innovations, helping inspire over $16 billion in current innovations and touching 35,000 people across the globe.
And while this talk will be delivered with zeal and remain data-based, the entire message and practical tips are focused on what you can do RIGHT NOW in your life to invent and reinvent your future.
The talk is based on DRIVING EUREKA! – the latest innovation book by Eureka! Ranch founder, Doug Hall has been Maggie’s mentor for over 15 years. The talk and the book reveal the results of 40 years of research and experimentation so substantial that it’s become a new field of study – Innovation Engineering.
The key takeaways are:
- How you can CREATE & FIND 8X more BIG IDEAS – for anything
- How to FILTER out the great ideas from the bad ones.
- How to FAST TRACK your big ideas, so you can make the changes you dream about NOW
What it Takes to Create and Keep a Culture of Innovation
A culture of innovation is all the buzz, but what exactly is it and how do you walk the talk of an innovative culture.
In this presentation, Maggie will share with you the Top 10 do’s and don’t of creating a culture of innovation. (Spoiler Alert: At least half of them won’t be what you think.)
You’ll learn what it takes to lead a team to innovate more and faster, how systems thinking can liberate your calendar and your people and how to set strategy that motivates employees to deliver more.